Bristol City Council Green Capital Masterclass

Bristol hosted an international masterclass on urban air quality in October 2014 in the run up to its year as 'Green Capital of Europe 2015'.

Bristol was asked by the current winner of the award, Copenhagen, to host an event to bring together policymakers, air quality experts, academics and practitioners to identify and explore the current challenges.

The event included an interactive session, which will inform a collective report to the EU Commission on the experiences and opportunities for air quality management in European cities.

Bristol’s partners, the Air Quality Management Resource Centre at UWE, gathered a range of prestigious speakers from across Europe. The event was opened by the Mayors of Bristol and Copenhagen and chaired by researchers in air quality from UWE.

The Technical Director of Techne Consulting has been invited to speak about "Air Quality Management in Port Cities, Italy".

The presentations and delegate list are available, as well as a feedback form for delegates to help to improve future events.

Air quality modeling system

Recently, Techne Consulting released to the Sardinia Region, within the project “Update of air quality monitoring network and of air emission sources” (PO FESR 2007-2013– Target operativo 4.1.2. – Activity 4.1.2A), a complete integrated modeling system for regional air pollution forecasting.

The system in modality “daily forecast” permits the forecast of air pollution on the regional territory, for the main pollutants subject to legislative rules, processing the evaluation of pollutant concentrations for the next day. The system is performed every day.

Beside this, it is also possible to use the system with modality “evaluation on request” in order to study the effect of emission mitigation measures able to improve air quality and provide a decisional support in the study of potential impacts of existing and future emission sources on the regional territory.

UNECE Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections

On 13-14 maggio 2014 an annual meeting  of UNECE Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections (TFEIP) was held.

TFEIP develops  the emission inventory EMEP and provides  a technical forum to hrmonize  the emissions , establish methodologies for evaluation of emissions  and projections data and identify  the iusses connected to emissions reporting.

TFEIP is responsabile of development and maintenance of  EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook (already known as EMEP CORINAIR emission inventory guidebook) used for emissions estimate and of NFR Nomenclature for reporting and SNAP (Selected Nomenclature for Air Pollution).

TFEIP instituted five groups of experts (Expert Panel) in priority sectors; two panels on trasversal  themes of review and of the projections and three groups of sectors “combustion and industry”, “trasport” and “agricolture  and nature””.

The meeting was attended  by over 100 experts in emissions inventories coming from European countries and of EECCA, Techne Consulting, with its technical director actively partecipated in the works by submitting in the special session of the Expert panel Combustion & Industry  a  relation on “Wood Combustion Emission Factors and Activity data” and a  relation on “New activities for the inventories: concrete batching”.