Emission Inventories, energy balances and registers

The activities listed are primarily related to energy and environmental inventories, balances and registers; when this activity is integrated with planning, the tasks are inserted under the appropriate item (Plans and programmes).

  • Update of air emission inventory for 2021, technical and maintainance assistance connected to the software using for the inventory managenent and air quality management plannng. Regione Campania, 2023

  • Provision of the regional air emissions inventory for year 2021, of emissions projection to years 2025 and 2030 e of the management and consultation system. Regione Liguria, 2022

  • Provision of the input “CHIMERE” and of the questionnaires of the point sources available in E2GOV pre-completed with data related to 2016, finalized to implement activities to support air quality regional planning
    Regione Liguria, 2022

  • Technical support for the evaluation of the environmental impacts of DEASP
    Ire Liguria, 2022

  • Technical support for the updating of the air emissions inventory for Lazio region
    Arpa Lazio, 2022

  • Praparation of the regional emissions of emission sources (IRSE) for the year 2019
    Arpa Toscana, 2022

  • Update of air pollutant emissions inventory, technical assistance for the use of the software for the  emissions inventory and air quality planning activities - Year 2019
    Campania Region, 2021

  • Technical support aimed at creating the CO2 balance and the main climate-altering and polluting emissions of the waste cycle closure options at local level with a plant for the valorisation of flows outgoing from the Ligurian biological mechanical treatment plants
    Liguria Region, 2021

  • Methodologic support for the redaction of the inventory for the emissions monitoring of Vado Ligure Municipality and of the quantification of the impact of the Programme of the interventions of SECAP, based on the emissions inventory
    IRE Liguria, 2021

  • Redaction of the intervention scheme “Cold Ironing of ferry terminal and cruise terminal of Maritime Station at Genoa and cruise terminal of the Savona - Vado Ligure port” in the framework of the energy and environmental planning of the Portual system DEASP
    IRE Liguria, 2020

  • Air pollutants emissions inventory update service
    ARPA Sicily, 2019
  • Development of a new methodology for estimating emissions from the combustion of biomass in the residential sector and completion of the updating of the air pollutants emissions inventory
    Liguria Region, 2019
  • Acquisition of the WEB system for managing emission inventories and creating and updating the regional inventory on emission sources for 2017 and the related emission scenarios
    ARPA Toscana, 2019
  • Update of air pollutant emissions inventory to the year 2018
    ARPA Umbria, 2019
  • Support to the preparation of the 2016 Regional Energy Balance
    IRE Region, 2018
  • Update of port activities and main point sources for the emission inventory
    Regione Liguria, 2018
  • Update for the emission inventories for 2016
    Campania Region, 2018

  • Emissions inventory update for 2015
    ARPA Umbria, 2016
  • Regional Energy Balance and Monitoring of the regional burden sharing goals
    Piemonte Region, 2014
  • Update of the air pollutants emission inventory and relative software
    ARPA Sicilia, 2014
  • Update of energy balance and GHGs emission inventory
    Genova Province, 2013
  • Activities in the frame of the “Implementation of the Regional Environment Information System (SIRA)” of the Sardinia Region
    Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, 2013
  • Emissions inventory update for 2010 and 2013
    ARPA Umbria, 2013
  • Integration to the service for updating the information system for air quality planning and knowledge framework of the regional plan (Regional Energy Balance)
    Liguria Region, 2013
  • Compilation and update of the regional emission inventory for the years 1995-2000-2003-2005-2007-2010 
    Tuscany Region, 2013
  • Services for management and implementation of the Regional Environment Information System (SIRA) and Regional Focal Point (PFR)
    Sardinia Region, 2012
  • Emission inventory update for the year 2010
    Roma Province, 2012
  • Update of provincial emissions inventory for 2010 and evaluation of air pollutants emission from road traffic
    Firenze Province, 2011
  • Compilation of the regional emissions inventory in 2008
    ARPAL Liguria, 2011
  • Update of emission inventory in 2008, air quality assessment in the provincial municipalities and evaluation of air pollutant dispersion and deposition from six industrial plants
    Roma Province, 2010
  • Technical assistance for implementing European Legislation on air quality 
    Ministry for Spatial Planning and the Environment of Montenegro, 2010

  • Update of energy balance and greenhouse gases emission inventory
    Genova Province, 2009
  • Update of the emissions sources inventory and implementation of the paper and digital archives concerning authorization procedures
    Cagliari Province, 2009
  • Consultancy services to the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration in the sector of the air pollutant emission inventories implementation and air quality planning in Albania
    Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration of the Republic of Albania, 2009
  • Adjustment of the greenhouse gas emissions provincial inventory according to the requirements of UNI ISO 14064 certification
    Genova Province, 2009
  • Pilot project for the observance of EU Reporting obligations and toward the accord of national legislation with the Acquis Communautaire of the European Union in the sectors air quality, industrial pollution control and climate change
    Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Montenegro, 2008
  • Update of the emissions sources regional inventory (IRSE) for the year 2007 and technical support for the year 2008
    Tuscany Region, 2008
  • Support to the regional inventory of sources of emissions (IRSE) and evaluation of emission projections
    Tuscany Region, 2007
  • Review of emissions estimates from air transport, shipping, industry and animal husbandry 
    APAT, 2007
  • Compilation of the regional emission inventory, preparation of the plan and programs for air quality management and provision of software for the support of their elaboration and management
    Abruzzo Region, 2006
  • Provision of the system “AirSuite” including the compilation of the provincial emission inventory
    Syracuse Province, 2006
  • Provincial Inventory of air pollutant emissions
    Lucca Province, 2006
  • Air pollutant emission inventory update for the year 2005 and air quality planning
    Florence Province, 2006
  • Regional Inventory of air pollutant emissions (IRSE): update related to 2005 and support for 2006
    Tuscany Region, 2006
  • Emission inventory integration: data acquisition related to sinks and compilation of the energy inventory
    Datasiel, 2006
  • Update and validation of the air pollution sources inventory, with relative adaptation to the provincial information system
    Rome Province, 2006
  • Provision of the air pollutant emission inventory information system with relative support
    Livorno Province, 2005
  • Update of the regional air pollutant emission inventory and the integration of benzene in the regional Air Quality Management Plan
    ARPA Umbria, 2005
  • Provincial air pollutant emission inventory
    Florence Province, 2005
  • Update of the provincial air pollutant emission inventory and extension to the ozone in air quality management planning; adjustment of the relative software
    Autonomous Province of Trento, 2004
  • Regional inventory of emissions sources (IRSE)
    Tuscany Region, 2004
  • Inventory of PM10 and PM2.5 emissions
    Tuscany Region, 2004
  • Update of the air pollutant emission inventory and of the relative information system tools
    Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige, 2004
  • Air pollutant emissions estimation of the paper industry area within the project LIFE PIONEER
    Lucca Province, 2004
  • Support for the choice and use of traffic emission estimation models within the P.U.T.
    Florence Municipality, 2003
  • Update of emission inventories for the period 1997-2000
    Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige, 2003
  • Compilation of a local emission inventory prototype for Livorno Municipality with a view to use within P.A.C.
    ARPAT Tuscany – Provincial Department of Livorno, 2003
  • Provision, installation, testing and training of hardware and software for the air pollution emission inventory
    Cagliari Province, 2003
  • Predisposition of a methodology for the estimation of civil thermal plant emissions
    ARPAT Tuscany - Provincial Department of Lucca, 2003
  • Update of the air emission inventory and implementation of the function for access to the system for the Provincial Department ARPAT Florence
    Florence Province, 2002
  • Support for the update of the air pollutant emission inventory (I.R.S.E.)
    Tuscany Region, 2002
  • Support for road transport emissions estimation
    Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige, 2002
  • Preparation of an analytic report of values relative to the air pollutant emission inventory in the province of Rome
    Roma Province, 2002
  • Update to the year 2000 of the diffuse and linear sources emissions in the regional inventory and predisposition of systems for the support of interventions evaluation
    Tuscany Region, 2001
  • Air pollutant emissions estimation support in the frame of the Transport Provincial plan
    Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Alto Adige, 2001
  • Preparation of the national emissions inventories in the sector "Emissions from solvents" and of the national case study “Emissions from transport”
    ANPA, 2001
  • Update of the provincial inventory of air emissions based on DPR 203/88 and update of authorized waste water
    Potenza Province, 2001
  • Information system support to the Tuscany Region air quality management plan, emission inventory update, and provision of new models for air quality management
    Tuscany Region, 2001
  • Completion and update of the air pollutant emission inventory and implementation of further information system functionalities
    Florence Province 1999
  • Compilation of national air and marittime transport and vegetation emissions inventories
    ANPA, 1999
  • Provision for completion and update of the air emission inventory and implementation of information system functionalities
    Roma Province, 1999
  • Air pollutant emission inventory update and implementation of the information system
    Florence Province, 1999
  • Air pollutant emission inventory and information system implementation for the Province of L’Aquila
    L’Aquila Province, 1998
  • Compilation of the inventory from localized and point sources and first update of data for the years 1995/1996
    Florence Province, 1997
  • Update of MEPER methodology and its application to all Italian regions to obtain energy balances comparable with the national energy balance
    ENEA, 1994
  • Completion and validation of the air pollutant emission inventory in the framework of the EEC Project. Corinair '90
    ENEA, 1994
  • Data collection necessary for the predisposition of the air pollutants emissions inventory in Italy within the CORINAIR '90 Project
    ENEA, 1993
  • Florence Province air pollutant emission inventory in the framework DISIA Projects of the Ministry of Environment: information analysis, emissions estimate implementation of the main module
    ENEA, 1993
  • Venice Province air pollutant emission inventory in the framework DISIA Projects of the Ministry of Environment: analysis of information, emissions estimate implementation of the main module, software and interface production
    ENEA, 1993
  • Definition of the methodology for the development of emissions inventories in environmental urban areas and development of an information system for the organization of environmental documentation
    ENEA, 1990
  • Extension of the ENEA air pollutant emission inventory and of the system for the organisation, management and use of data for the drawing up of the "State of the Environment Report" (air chapter) produced by the Ministry of Environment
    ENEA, 1990
  • Development of ENEA air pollutant emission inventory within the EMI information system
    ENEA, 1989
  • Compilation of the air pollutant emission inventory in Italy with reference to the year 1985 in the framework of the EEC programme CORINAIR on behalf of the Ministry of Environment
    ENEA, 1988