
Umbria Region of Italy - Update of Air Quality Plan

With the D.G.R. n.741 of 28 July 2021, the Proposal for the Update of the Regional Plan for Air Quality of the Italian Umbria Region was adopted. Attachments to the resolution are Annex A) Update of the Regional Plan for Air Quality and Annex B) Scenarios for updating the PRQA. The update of the Plan is consistent with the Program Agreement between the Umbria Region and the Minister of the Environment for the rehabilitation of the air quality in the TernI Basin. The identified remediation actions mainly aim to reduce emissions produced by vehicular traffic and domestic heating systems, with particular reference to the use of biomass in fireplaces and stoves. This objective is pursued both by implementing incentive measures and prescriptive measures. Annex B to the Plan reports the study carried out by Techne Consulting on behalf of ARPA Umbria in the frame of the "Service for the Update of the Regional Air Quality Plan" relating to the assessment of air quality and the development of emissions scenarios.