
Air Pollution and Sustainable Development and planning conferences

The first results of the work of Techne Consulting in the ClairCity project were presented during the summer in two international conferences: Air Pollution 2018 in Naples and Sustainable Development and Planning 2018 in Siena. Both works were presented by our technical director and make a preliminary assessment of the activities carried out in the project.

In the conference Air Pollution 2018 a paper was presented entitled Air Pollutants Emissions and Carbon Footprint at City Level: the Claircity Project; in the paper the focus is on the activities of defining a methodology for assessing the emissions of air pollutants and Carbon Footprint and on the first results on the sample cities of Bristol and Amsterdam; in the paper the focus is on the dissemination activities of the project activities, and in particular on social networks strategies, with reference to the Liguria Region

In the conference Sustainable Development and Planning 2018 a paper was presented entitled Social Networks, Awareness And Behavioral Modification to Reduce Air Pollution and Carbon Footprint: The Claircity Project in Liguria Region.